The litmus test for good leadership is character.  Rarely do I read history, watch the news or read the paper and learn about a leader who failed because of incompetence.  The most common reason a leader fails is a shortfall in character.

What happens in the months, days, or minutes that lead to a fatefully bad decision by a leader? What happens when he willfully decides to compromise his character?  What happens when a leader ignores his moral compass and takes a path marked by dishonesty, fear, or selfishness?

This is the first post in a series of five on character tests.

Character Tests- Intro

Testing comes with leadership.  When I was promoted, I went to training and took tests that were meant to prepare me to handle the technical and administrative aspects of my job.  But none of those written exams prepared me for the tests of character I would encounter as a leader.

4 Tests Of A Leader’s Character

Our good habits and our bad habits are formed one decision at a time.  Each time I am tempted to compromise my values, I have a decision to make.  Whichever path I take makes it easier for me to choose that same path the next time.

1.  Small Tests-  “This is not a big deal”
In a nutshell:  There are no small decisions when my character is involved.

2.  Private Tests- “No one is going to get hurt.”
In a nutshell:  My character is whom I am when no one is watching.

3.  Painful Tests- “Someone is going to get hurt.”
In a nutshell:  Inflicting pain on myself or someone else is a test of character and courage.

4.  Public Tests- “Everyone is watching what I will do.”
In a nutshell:  My decisions in these moments often determine the culture of my team.

In the next four blogs, I will be unpacking each of these tests in more detail.  They are all different. Yet every leader will encounter them at one time or another.

In fact, these tests will come for all of us.  Our choices will determine our character in the aftermath.

The Bottom Line:

We are all tested and fall short.  As leaders, the tests we face today prepare us for future tests.  Our character is formed through these tests.  Each decision we make helps us make our next decision.

If we have made bad decisions in the past, we can begin to make different choices that will build our character and make us better leaders.  As a leader with poor decisions in my past, I can redeem myself with each new test.

Leadership is a blend of competence and character.  Success and failure are determined by a leader’s character.   With each small test, private test, painful test or public test, I am building habits that form my character.


When has your character been tested?