“People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.” -Samuel Johnson

Is the problem with the forgetful followers or with their leaders? Samuel Johnson is saying that as a leader, we need to be the Chief Reminder Officer. If something is important it is worth repeating. If we find people forgetting what we say, we must remind them. That is the leader’s job.

Forgetful Followers

True learning occurs through repetition. We learned our multiplication tables in this way. It is also the best way to help others internalize concepts they need to remember in order to change their behaviors at work or at home.

Applying The Rule Of Seven To Leading

When we realize our words are not having impact on the team, what should we do?

The Rule Of Seven:  

A customer will change their buying habits only after they hear your message seven times.

As leaders, our customers are the people we are called to lead. If we want them to change their habits, they must hear our message at least seven times. Therefore, our job is to remind more than it is to teach!

Too often our pride gets in the way.  Too often we think that if we say something once, the people we lead should remember what we say. Yet we are disappointed again and again.

Failures In Reminding

  • Once:  A basketball coach who explains a new defense.
  • Once A Year:  A business owner who talks about his company’s core values.
  • Once A Month:  A preacher who speaks on a key doctrine of faith.
  • Once A Week:  A dad who tells his son to stand up straight.

As leaders, instead of blaming the forgetful followers we need to stop making excuses. When we exam why we fail to use repetition as a leadership tool, these are some excuses people use.

“I’m a good communicator.”
That’s pretty prideful for someone people aren’t listening to or following.

“They heard me the first time.”
They may have heard us, but did they listen?  Remember The Rule of Seven.

“I’m tired of saying it.”
Who cares? Are we here for our enjoyment or for their growth?

“They have to be tired of me saying this.”
Maybe! But it is the things we got tired of our parents saying is what we remembered and learned.

Helping Forgetful Followers

1.  Keep It Simple And Focused

If everything is a priority then nothing is. We must maintain focus on a critical few priorities if we truly want to see a change occur.

2.  Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

If it is important enough to call it a priority, then it is important enough to repeat again and again.

3.  Create A Follow-up Plan

In Ken Blanchards’ book Know Can Do, he says there are 3 keys to an effective follow-up plan:

  • Structure
  • Support
  • Accountability

All three are my responsibility as a leader.

The Bottom Line:

Most people don’t need to be taught anything new.  They just need to be reminded. That is our job as a leader.  Have we done everything to help our forgetful followers?

If we want to see lasting change happen on our team or in our children, we must become the Chief Reminder Officer. We must remember the Rule of Seven if we want those we lead to remember our words and change their habits for the better.


What is a message you have heard repeated consistently that changed your habits?

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